MicMac CERM has enhanced the efficiency of posting and account rendering.Also double entry principles of accounting are fully enshrined.

Fakorede BamideleFin. Secretary,LBIC COOP

Compared to our old Manual approach,MicMac CERM has helped to achieve result efficiently in good time.Information is generated in little or no time.Service delivery to our members is without stress.

Balogun DareManager,MOD COOP

MicMac CERM is fast and has made our transactions easier.

Atoyebi DoyinExec. Assistant, AFRIBANKER'S COOP

MicMac has been efficient in terms of time management,speed,error/mistake reduction and reliability.

Meadows TaiwoSecretary, Senior Citizen

MicMac CERM has finally solved cooperative accounting problems.

Faniyi FolakemiDLWCS COOP

So far,the work load has greatly reduced,thanks to MicMac CERM.We now have efficiency in our mode of operation.

Saheyi KunleAdmin Officer, NUT COOP

Since 2009,MicMac CERM has transformed our operations administratively and also our financials compared to the manual method.Our transactions are now realtime.

Osifalujo SeunSystem Admin,Cadbury COOP

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