Our Background

We are an indigenous IT solution Company that provides world class level products and services (qualitative and excellent). The creation of a solid technological foundation; a simple, affordable and scalable mechanism with flexible object-oriented architecture that permits continuous growth and business integration, a framework for the efficient and effective running of business. Providing customized business tools for different organizations accommodating various types of business preferences.

SEKAT Technologies develops, packages, markets and implements application solutions; providing software, hardware, networking tools, and several other IT based solutions to enable organizations operation at optimized potential.

We craft IT based business tools to assist organizations face daily challenges in areas of organization, decision making, daily operations, and service delivery

Our Mission Statement

Our vision, mission and passion as business solutions providers is to be a catalyst to growth and development within the economy and nation from the grassroots up, helping smalls businesses function more efficiently, facilitating expansion in medium scale organizations and enabling larger ones consolidate on growth. Ours is the establishment of excellence and dynamism through hard work, vision and adaptability in planning and execution. To attain levels of innovation, service delivery, product quality and support that will distinguish us from other IT business solution firms.

Competitive Edge

Our edge is our youth, dynamism and vision. We construct tools according to the dictates of our client’s needs and requirement. Our products are customized and specialized tools built with our peculiar environment in mind, conformed as each organization deems fit for their own organizational activities. Because we are an indigenous company, we can relate directly to most of the operational challenges most local organizations face, first hand.

Most electronic business tools currently available in the market today are ready made tools and our indigenous firms have to conform to their specifications when ideally it should be the other way round. Our solutions adapt to you, you don’t have to adapt to them. We create solutions with you in mind. Tools forged for us by us, with eyes focused on meeting clients’ needs and specifications

Core Values


Sustaining the quality of services delivered, continually epitomizing world class standards


Efficiency in resource management and utilization focused on results and aimed at optimizing productivity.

Keen and Committed

Keen and committed to the execution of our Corporate Social Responsibilities and the achievement of our goals.

Adaptive Structure

Adaptive structure which accelerates service driven solutions; versatile and responsive to change, able to face challenges and proffer solutions. Standing from a client’s perspective and understanding their needs and challenges.

Timely Response

Timely response,well thought through, measured and precise. Meeting each unique situation with the required amounts of preparation and energy, at the right time.

We are proud to work with

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